EOiNA Departing Once Again
The crew is finally back on track!
I’ve been using a new program to color and I’m still working with it some. I’ll get this one shaded up soon.
The crew is finally back on track!
I’ve been using a new program to color and I’m still working with it some. I’ll get this one shaded up soon.
I love Jason’s dry humour.
Recording the prophecy was probably a smart idea, both so that they can play it back for reference and as a form of evidence.
It’s deja vu all over again!
vuja dey: it did happen before, but only in your head…
I went back and looked and you can’t see him recording during the prophecy, but I’m not surprised he did.
Lovely! Also, Miranda cameos in my latest comic today: http://www.offcentaured.com/comics/2403106/off-to-the-races-6/
Thanks for the “The Wotch” creators for permission to use her.
Oh, nice!
Your webcomic looks interesting, but I find the handwriting a little hard to read. :-/
Sorry about that, we’re going to try to make the pages a little bigger so the text is a little clearer. Another page with Miranda loaded this week (along with fellow Wotch centaur Allison), hope you guys like it!
Sometimes you get a feeling of deja-vu. Other times you get the feeling that you’ve done this before. And sometimes you get a feeling of deja-vu.
— iProphet —
As Chiron tends,
To Pythia’s malaise,
Three bold friends,
Depart in haze.
As oracles speak,
Of king and pawn,
Its truth they seek,
Before the dawn.
What Wotch spells,
May reveal the path.
When fortune tells,
Of chaos’ wrath.
And if heroes lose,
If the righteous fall.
Here’s good news,
A phone saw it all.
For some reason we have Jason ex machina. Not that im complaining I’m just surprised
I’m impressed with the expressivity of the new artist. It’s nice to see this being updated again.
I never saw how, making an immortal, mortal, is supposed to be a good thing.
“Hey! I just infected you with a terminal disease! Isn’t it great?” Is it any wonder the fake final boss in Final Fantasy III went nuts after being given his ‘gift’ by his mentor?
Another example is from the Sword of Truth books, where a palace that grants the residents several centuries worth of life, and when it needs to be destroyed to prevent the enemy from getting it, the residents talk about being “killed”, turns out they meant how their centuries long life spans are now just a few short decades. (An outside observer notes it’s like how from the perception of a mouse, giving a human a year to live is a normal life span, where from the human’s perspective it’s the same as killing him.)
Is it any wonder why Hermes is sad that the rest of his family apparently basically committed suicide? Would you just sadly nod at fate’s decree, or if you had the chance, challenge reality itself if it could bring back those you love? Saying ‘No!’ to the world is how we’ve progressed at all.
Meh, if it were me I’d be trying to find a new source of immortality as soon as possible. Or to rephrase an inspirational quote: “When one door closes, find a new one and stop sulking that you’re currently mortal.” That’s probably why the most flexible members of those Pantheons with still-relevant divine portfolios were able to make it in The Wotch.
I honestly found The Sword of Truth series to be awful as fantasy and worse as a political tract. “Think for yourself by thinking the way I tell you to.” “Religion is stupid. Join the cult of Ayn Rand.” “Ignore what I wrote in previous books, canon doesn’t matter as much as letting you know how great Objectivism is and how being a greedy sociopath is the ideal life.” Yuck. Objectivist “heroes” would be the villains in pretty much any other SANE setting. Sorry for ranting, terrible writers are one of my berserk buttons.
Is this another week of update where only patreon contributors can see ?
I ask because there was no update this Monday and no messages to notify people.
2 Monday’s in a row with no update and no reply to my original inquiry.
Not to sound passive aggressive but I’m starting to feel relieved I did not contribute to the patreon seeing this consistency.
Sorry for the delay with all of this. I’ll have something posted on the Patreon later today. There were some problems on our side, and then i got pulled away for a week’s vacation that cut me off from pretty much everything. I’m back now and we’re going to get back on track.
Well, seems things are getting a bit more odd than usual. What’s next? Is Jason suddenly taking up the personality traits of the mythical Jason of Greece? Anny taking on the properties of Atlanta? Or something else entirely?
So… what happened? Updates have stopped again and I don’t see any news. Is everyone OK?
Oh… I see now, the news was hidden in a reply to a comment. OK, then. Good to know no one is hurt, sick or anything like that.
Hi. This is the artist here. Just to let you know that the delay is due to drama among the staff due to creative differences, that have now been resolved, and Robin going on holiday for 2 weeks.
However the entire months worth of content has been produced and handed off to Robin to be coloured in and posted. so I’m sure he’ll be getting around to posting it sooner or later.
Thanks you for the update! I’m glad you were able to resolve your conflicts.