I didn’t know the furry fandom counted as a pantheon of the modern world.
And I figured that the Greek and Roman gods were the same beings just using different names.
Why do I now imagine Wolf and Rabbit staying incarnations of the ‘modern gods’ the way they are of their own free will, and traveling various furry conventions to give their blessing upon those willing to accept it of their own choice.
And if Loki is relaxed? Then it means EVERYTHING is going EXACTLY according to whatever his REAL plan is!!!
Furry fandom is most definitely a cult of pure, satanic evil, second only to that even more horrible cult that worships the eldritch outer gods (in disguise) the MLP fandom. *shudders*
And yea, basically Roman gods are copies, but the Romans also annexed many other gods from local religions as they conquered. They took in Egyptian gods, Eastern gods and the like. If the Hebrews had allowed it, even the Abrahamic God would have become part of the Roman Pantheon.
I would have loved to see how they managed to get “the One, True, and Only God!” into a pantheon. But I really don’t think that they would have asked permission. The Romans were the racial supremacists of their day, if they wanted something then, by Jove, it was already theirs.
True, the Hebrew God is a very “Mary Sue” character when it comes to gods. lol
Still, the Roman Emperor (Tiberius) at the time of Jesus was surprisingly tolerant of the Hebrew religion. I’ve read a number of things that he was pretty adamant about the Jews being allowed to worship their own god. Of course, future Roman emperors…
Also I don’t know where you get the idea of them being “racial supremacists”. Sure, they viewed Roman culture as superior, and their were naturally Imperialistic, but it’s not like they were Nazis or anything, or that taking something by force automatically makes you racist.
I took the concept from something which I once read. I do not remember the exact source, but recall that the Latin prejudices tended more toward cultural and linguistic, but were often applied similar to how we, today, act out prejudices based on skin color. I’m willing to be wrong here, since this really is more of a mostly remembered, probably inaccurately, idea from someone else. Apparently I had internalized it and did not realize that I had done so until I read your post asking me about it.
The Abrahamic God made a very subtle cameo with Britannia. She has the Union flag emblazoned on her shield which is a combination of the cross of St. George, the cross of St. Andrew and the cross of St. Patrick.
The earliest recorded image of Britannia is on a roman mural depicting Romes conquest of the Britain’s, and the second of how the Britain’s have become perfect model citizens of Rome. You see, antient Rome used mythical figures to represent nations, not flags, and as Britain had niether at the time, they invented one for them. This means she predates Christianity in Britain and thus is not Abrahamic.
In the comic, she has the Union Flag on her shield. I know she was not Abrahamic in origin. My only point was that Christian symbols are in the comic, though briefly and barely. I was responding to some of the comments regarding the God of Abraham not being in the comic/not existing in a “pantheon”.
It is often, though not universally, pointed out that the actual quote from the bible is, “Thou shalt not put other gods before me.” The suggestion being not that there aren’t other gods, but that all other gods are less important. I could easily see this being further adapted as a message specifically to the worshippers specific to the abrahamic deity. So one could imagine an alternative historical pantheon in which the abrahamic deity has his own worshippers who nevertheless believe he coexists with other gods. Or it could be that he “takes over” a pantheon, and those other gods still exist but are considered lessor. Or-or he’s taken as a pompous god who tries and *fails* to get people to stop worshipping other gods. Mythology can be easily mutable like that, especially in times of plentiful prophets.
It just didn’t pan out any of those ways in real life.
I don’t know much about this era, but there was a point in history where the Hebrews had struggles with Hellenistic culture (the Greek-inspired culture that was spread by Alexander the Great) and I wonder if there wasn’t a point where the religions were combined. The Book of Maccabees can be sourced for this conflict.
You do hit an interesting point that there are a number of times in the bible, particularly the Old Testament (the Jewish part of the Bible) where God essentially states that he is better than the other gods, but does not state that they don’t exist. One of the primary explanations for this is that the pagan gods were actually demons, who would possess enough powers to appear as gods to humans, but would still be easily vanquished by the True God.
I Agree—Other “Gods” have existed and a few still do—“Lesser”, of course to the Abrahamic God. This is why some “witchcraft spells seem to work and some people get responses from some of these other “gods”. The Bible itself implies that such other (although weaker) gods exist–Read Daniel where the Angel of the lord explains he was late in answering his prayer because he had to fight some other gods. and was soon leaving to fight another. and also note places in the Bible where both God and the people were “overly concerned” about other gods, which should not be the case if they were entirely “fake” man made “gods of wood and stone”—–Its only in the later periods of the Bible are other gods, entirely “brushed off” as being fakes and ineffectual. Earlier they are taken seriously.
Some Egyptian, Hindu and Nordic deities still exist, not all, but some. A particularly dangerous one is the Egyptian Lioness-headed goddess Sekhmet. I had a best friend get driven insane by her when he decided to do a detailed study and experimentation. Eventually he committed suicide. She is ONE deity I respect, and do not want to be on her RADAR—good or bad.
IIRC, the romans were kind of spooked by the “Holy of Holies” in the Jewish temple being nothing but an empty room. No statue of the deity, just…nothing.
You mean the Christian Faith? The Christian Faith that was spread by Rome? The Christian faith that persecuted Jews in Europe a long long time ago? The Christian faith that the whole roman empire started following? The Christian faith that gobbled up other religions, and started calling their gods ‘saints’ in the Christian religion?
Yes. That’s how the romans incorporated the mary sue “One True God” into their religion.
if i recall right how they were said to go about it was they’d pray at the Altar of a cities chosen deity, and if the city came under roman rule they took it as a sign and basically Copied the god/goddess into their own religion.
I have the strange idea that Wolf and Rabbit aren’t brainwashed to be happy, they’re happy TO BE brainwashed.
I’m sincerely surprised that Hermes actually CALLED his own plan ‘diabolical.’ This is less about ‘good vs evil’ as both sides having everything to lose. Anne is fighting for her world, her friends, against these couple jerks who came in and started turning those around her into incarnations of the divine. Hermes and Loki are refusing to kneel before fate’s whim that they should crawl into a corner and please polite die like the rest of their families. Both sides are fighting for THEIR good, which is the OTHER SIDE’S evil!
Hermes might just be self aware that he’s on the wrong side of the author, and this an antagonist, which makes him a villain. Also the whole way of scheming has sort of a villainous aspect to it, so he probably realizes that they “look” like villains.
Just the other week I used the phrase; “You don’t want to ruin my diabolical scheme to get you out shopping, do you?” It may be a villainous variant on that usage.
Considering that his partner in Random Acts of NANCY is retiring from the main strip and right now they’re saying its future ‘will be announced at a later date’, I wonder if John is the chosen successor, rather than it having been cancelled, and that he’s in intense-training mode to continues the style?
Of course, that’s all moot if Random Acts hasn’t been updating either
if any happens have more of a connection with John than I do. allow me to explain. about more than a year ago. Maybe two. I commissioned him him to do some art work. I paid him some money because at the time his jeep broke down. I got a preliminary sketch and then he seemed to drop off the face of the earth. Now I am a patent guy as you might guess. I would like to think I am not being ignored and have not said one bad word and have tried his email that i did have. no reply. Any help or suggestions
So, I realized this a little while after I read this comic…
Notice that Hermes claims the Romans “make up” stupid gods (implying that the Roman people created the Gods, rather than the gods being real), yet those gods are somehow actually being made incarnate by this magic? Curious.
Well as a believe they said in the beginning of the arch is that gods live and die depending how much they are remembered or worshiped, so if a people believe that a godly being is real strong enough than they will manifest themselves just as the gods of the past.
I must protest good sir! Lady Britannia is no ‘copy’. Her image and use of roman symbols exists as part of the history from the conquest of Britain. Indeed she was created -by- Roman Britain! Her image persists afterwards as a symbol of the islands to
many and the name with that image served to inspire, long after the Romans left. She’s a symbol of unity and strength.
Rule, Britannia!
Britannia, rule the waves.
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves
… I like the rabbit heh. Modern pantheons can be found on cereal boxes.
He was going to, but then he ran into Q. They’re now caught up in an almost Spy Vs. Spy like chain of one-upmanship, trying to teach each other moral lessons.
Hermes is the god of trade, heraldry, merchants, commerce, roads, thieves, trickery, sports, travelers, and athletes in Ancient Greek mythology. He's also trying to bring about the rebirth of the Greek and Norse pantheons of gods.
I didn’t know the furry fandom counted as a pantheon of the modern world.
And I figured that the Greek and Roman gods were the same beings just using different names.
Why do I now imagine Wolf and Rabbit staying incarnations of the ‘modern gods’ the way they are of their own free will, and traveling various furry conventions to give their blessing upon those willing to accept it of their own choice.
And if Loki is relaxed? Then it means EVERYTHING is going EXACTLY according to whatever his REAL plan is!!!
Furry fandom is most definitely a cult of pure, satanic evil, second only to that even more horrible cult that worships the eldritch outer gods (in disguise) the MLP fandom. *shudders*
And yea, basically Roman gods are copies, but the Romans also annexed many other gods from local religions as they conquered. They took in Egyptian gods, Eastern gods and the like. If the Hebrews had allowed it, even the Abrahamic God would have become part of the Roman Pantheon.
I would have loved to see how they managed to get “the One, True, and Only God!” into a pantheon. But I really don’t think that they would have asked permission. The Romans were the racial supremacists of their day, if they wanted something then, by Jove, it was already theirs.
True, the Hebrew God is a very “Mary Sue” character when it comes to gods. lol
Still, the Roman Emperor (Tiberius) at the time of Jesus was surprisingly tolerant of the Hebrew religion. I’ve read a number of things that he was pretty adamant about the Jews being allowed to worship their own god. Of course, future Roman emperors…
Also I don’t know where you get the idea of them being “racial supremacists”. Sure, they viewed Roman culture as superior, and their were naturally Imperialistic, but it’s not like they were Nazis or anything, or that taking something by force automatically makes you racist.
I took the concept from something which I once read. I do not remember the exact source, but recall that the Latin prejudices tended more toward cultural and linguistic, but were often applied similar to how we, today, act out prejudices based on skin color. I’m willing to be wrong here, since this really is more of a mostly remembered, probably inaccurately, idea from someone else. Apparently I had internalized it and did not realize that I had done so until I read your post asking me about it.
Thank you.
The Abrahamic God made a very subtle cameo with Britannia. She has the Union flag emblazoned on her shield which is a combination of the cross of St. George, the cross of St. Andrew and the cross of St. Patrick.
The earliest recorded image of Britannia is on a roman mural depicting Romes conquest of the Britain’s, and the second of how the Britain’s have become perfect model citizens of Rome. You see, antient Rome used mythical figures to represent nations, not flags, and as Britain had niether at the time, they invented one for them. This means she predates Christianity in Britain and thus is not Abrahamic.
In the comic, she has the Union Flag on her shield. I know she was not Abrahamic in origin. My only point was that Christian symbols are in the comic, though briefly and barely. I was responding to some of the comments regarding the God of Abraham not being in the comic/not existing in a “pantheon”.
It is often, though not universally, pointed out that the actual quote from the bible is, “Thou shalt not put other gods before me.” The suggestion being not that there aren’t other gods, but that all other gods are less important. I could easily see this being further adapted as a message specifically to the worshippers specific to the abrahamic deity. So one could imagine an alternative historical pantheon in which the abrahamic deity has his own worshippers who nevertheless believe he coexists with other gods. Or it could be that he “takes over” a pantheon, and those other gods still exist but are considered lessor. Or-or he’s taken as a pompous god who tries and *fails* to get people to stop worshipping other gods. Mythology can be easily mutable like that, especially in times of plentiful prophets.
It just didn’t pan out any of those ways in real life.
I don’t know much about this era, but there was a point in history where the Hebrews had struggles with Hellenistic culture (the Greek-inspired culture that was spread by Alexander the Great) and I wonder if there wasn’t a point where the religions were combined. The Book of Maccabees can be sourced for this conflict.
You do hit an interesting point that there are a number of times in the bible, particularly the Old Testament (the Jewish part of the Bible) where God essentially states that he is better than the other gods, but does not state that they don’t exist. One of the primary explanations for this is that the pagan gods were actually demons, who would possess enough powers to appear as gods to humans, but would still be easily vanquished by the True God.
I Agree—Other “Gods” have existed and a few still do—“Lesser”, of course to the Abrahamic God. This is why some “witchcraft spells seem to work and some people get responses from some of these other “gods”. The Bible itself implies that such other (although weaker) gods exist–Read Daniel where the Angel of the lord explains he was late in answering his prayer because he had to fight some other gods. and was soon leaving to fight another. and also note places in the Bible where both God and the people were “overly concerned” about other gods, which should not be the case if they were entirely “fake” man made “gods of wood and stone”—–Its only in the later periods of the Bible are other gods, entirely “brushed off” as being fakes and ineffectual. Earlier they are taken seriously.
Some Egyptian, Hindu and Nordic deities still exist, not all, but some. A particularly dangerous one is the Egyptian Lioness-headed goddess Sekhmet. I had a best friend get driven insane by her when he decided to do a detailed study and experimentation. Eventually he committed suicide. She is ONE deity I respect, and do not want to be on her RADAR—good or bad.
IIRC, the romans were kind of spooked by the “Holy of Holies” in the Jewish temple being nothing but an empty room. No statue of the deity, just…nothing.
You mean the Christian Faith? The Christian Faith that was spread by Rome? The Christian faith that persecuted Jews in Europe a long long time ago? The Christian faith that the whole roman empire started following? The Christian faith that gobbled up other religions, and started calling their gods ‘saints’ in the Christian religion?
Yes. That’s how the romans incorporated the mary sue “One True God” into their religion.
if i recall right how they were said to go about it was they’d pray at the Altar of a cities chosen deity, and if the city came under roman rule they took it as a sign and basically Copied the god/goddess into their own religion.
Damn fool! It is not 3evil, it’s just an admiration of cartoon animals.
I have the strange idea that Wolf and Rabbit aren’t brainwashed to be happy, they’re happy TO BE brainwashed.
I’m sincerely surprised that Hermes actually CALLED his own plan ‘diabolical.’ This is less about ‘good vs evil’ as both sides having everything to lose. Anne is fighting for her world, her friends, against these couple jerks who came in and started turning those around her into incarnations of the divine. Hermes and Loki are refusing to kneel before fate’s whim that they should crawl into a corner and please polite die like the rest of their families. Both sides are fighting for THEIR good, which is the OTHER SIDE’S evil!
Hermes might just be self aware that he’s on the wrong side of the author, and this an antagonist, which makes him a villain. Also the whole way of scheming has sort of a villainous aspect to it, so he probably realizes that they “look” like villains.
Just the other week I used the phrase; “You don’t want to ruin my diabolical scheme to get you out shopping, do you?” It may be a villainous variant on that usage.
i am surprised no one from accidental centaur has shown up. BTW, john has been awful quiet or missing.
Yeah, I’m wondering if we should be worried, but I don’t know who to ask to check on him.
Considering that his partner in Random Acts of NANCY is retiring from the main strip and right now they’re saying its future ‘will be announced at a later date’, I wonder if John is the chosen successor, rather than it having been cancelled, and that he’s in intense-training mode to continues the style?
Of course, that’s all moot if Random Acts hasn’t been updating either
Haven’t been following that one. Do I need to look it up or … ?
if any happens have more of a connection with John than I do. allow me to explain. about more than a year ago. Maybe two. I commissioned him him to do some art work. I paid him some money because at the time his jeep broke down. I got a preliminary sketch and then he seemed to drop off the face of the earth. Now I am a patent guy as you might guess. I would like to think I am not being ignored and have not said one bad word and have tried his email that i did have. no reply. Any help or suggestions
Addendum: And John shows up on his page with explanations and apologies.
So now they’re losing control of their own magic. There goes the last chance they had to undo this.
So, I realized this a little while after I read this comic…
Notice that Hermes claims the Romans “make up” stupid gods (implying that the Roman people created the Gods, rather than the gods being real), yet those gods are somehow actually being made incarnate by this magic? Curious.
Which is more ironic since Venus was clearly on good terms with the goddess Sonja became the incarnation of.
Well as a believe they said in the beginning of the arch is that gods live and die depending how much they are remembered or worshiped, so if a people believe that a godly being is real strong enough than they will manifest themselves just as the gods of the past.
It’s implied by Hermes they less died from lack of worship and more “just gave up” implying they commit suicide!
Since they are renamed Greek gods.
Interesting turn of events…
BTW, is “antient” an ancient form of “ancient”?
It’s a modern form of “tyop.”
I must protest good sir! Lady Britannia is no ‘copy’. Her image and use of roman symbols exists as part of the history from the conquest of Britain. Indeed she was created -by- Roman Britain! Her image persists afterwards as a symbol of the islands to
many and the name with that image served to inspire, long after the Romans left. She’s a symbol of unity and strength.
Rule, Britannia!
Britannia, rule the waves.
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves
… I like the rabbit heh. Modern pantheons can be found on cereal boxes.
I know, and as the artist and British myself, seeing the opportunity to squeeze her in I simply could not resist.
You want modern mythos, Hermes?
I’m sure Discord wants to have a few words with you about making a Chaos Storm without him.
He was going to, but then he ran into Q. They’re now caught up in an almost Spy Vs. Spy like chain of one-upmanship, trying to teach each other moral lessons.
…okay, why does the TG’d one have the top that actually fits?
So when’s the Egyptian God of Frustration going to show up? :p
(Obscure Sci-Fi references are the coolest)