EOiNA: The Brigawhatever
on May 15, 2017
at 12:50 am
Chapter: 26. Everything Old is Now Again
Characters: Anne Onymous, Jason Grey
I’m sure Freya’s a reasonable person, Anne should easily be able to negotiate her way out of this, and soon enough they’ll be enjoying ice cream together.
So Jason is now the reincarnation of Freyja. According to wiki, she’s the goddess of “love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, seiðr, war, and death.” Seiðr again according to Wiki being Norse Magic. So she’s not targeting Anne just because she’s a magic user. Anne IS HOWEVER being a trickster, since she’s just politely trying to talk down Freyja until she can zap her back to oblivion (see her spell charging behind her back). I’d say Loki would be PROUD OF HER for such a move!!!
Are those changed changed according to what role would fit best for them naturally, so will Robyn naturally become the reincarnation of one who’d naturally target Anne, or someone would can talk down Freyja?
I think it would make some interesting drama, if Anne or Robyn’s former incarnation DOES manage to talk Freyja down, and Anne has to WORK TOGETHER with these two reincarnation, getting to KNOW THEM, making FRIENDS with them, and KNOWING that to save the world and get her friends back she has to ultimately ERASE THEM! It would make a MUCH MORE interesting story than Anne simply zapping them back to their senses tra-la-la!
Specifically, seiðr is women’s magic. At one time, Loki tried to discredit Odin by pointing out in front of the other Asgard that he practised seiðr, which was supposed to be shameful for men.
So … wouldn’t that mean trying to affect her with magic from The Wotch would be like trying to drown the ocean or set the sun on fire?
No idea. Not much is known anymore about how seiðr worked, and Wotch-style chaos magic is ….. well, chaotic. ^^;
Trickster? Does Freya think Anne/Eris is Loki…?
I think that Freya is more sensing that Anne, being a Wotch, is an avatar of primal Chaos.
In Norse mythology, the biggest trickster was indeed Loki, who used to steal things from the other gods whenever it suited him or when he was drunk – and disguised himself as many creatures of either gender. Suspecting Loki whenever something went missing or went wrong was just common sense. And if Jason/Freya thinks Anne is Loki, then her hostility and unwillingness to listen are perfectly understandable; if you listened to Loki’s spiel, he was halfway to tricking you and getting away scott-free.
Not a bad ploy …. by Loki.
— Son-Frey-ja —
Jason’s mind is consumed,
By the psyche of a goddess,
Freya’s form it’s presumed,
Is now bound in that bodice.
Will she remember the boy,
She was but moments ago?
Will our trickster’s keen ploy.
Drag thoughts hidden below?
What is the Brisingamen,
This necklace she seeks?
Could Jason be once again,
The voice that whom speaks?
And what of Robyn fair,
Is his mind cloudy as well?
Can Anne help both pair,
With a potent Wotch spell?
Well, if Jason is now Feya, Norse goddess of (among other things) love, it seems even more likely that Robin has become Aphrodite.
That’s going to be interesting.
If Robin does become Aphrodite, it would be more interesting if Anne CAN’T zap them back to their senses, but Aphrodite is more reasonable and able to talk Freya down.
If I remember my mythology right, “reasonable” is not really a word that applies to Aphrodite, but we’ll see. ^_^;
Just saying it would make for a much more interesting story, than Anne simply zapping her two friends back to ‘normal’ mentally.
Well, I can see Freya and Aphrodite playing a larger role than being just a momentary obstacle.
Bridgeman’s is in Minneapolis on Hiawatha near 46th. Anne should whisk Jason/Sonja/Freya there to calm down over a malted milk. Works for me, anyway. Or maybe a nice brisket sandwich at a deli. Or a sailing trip on a brigantine. Or…
You from Minnesota, tramline?
We are talking Norse mythology, and today is Norwegian Independence day, celebrated in Minnesota.
Okay. I was just curious, since being from Minnesota myself, it feels like nobody is ever really aware of the existence of our state unless they live here or very near to here themselves. lol
ok. if you want to know what the brisingaman is just do a quick google search and you’ll find entries like this that will tell you.
okay now where did the sword and helmet come from.
the same place all the other clothing came from. Pulled into this world along side there godly owner.
It’s her speaw and magic hewmet!
Magic Helmet?
Magic Hewmet!!!
I still believe we need a permanantly regressed Miranda!
Poor Anne, can she save her friends from being overwritten by mischievous gods?
Overwritten, or merely now the reincarnations of those gods?
Either way, what happens to the original personalities? Jason may have been a little weird, but at least he didn’t threaten people with swords.
Current Patreon. $344 of $500
Current Patreon. $339 of $500
You’re losing money?
That’s for TheWotch.