It’s really rather funny this comment got left on this particular page. I’m guessing BardsAway thought “elfish” was a misspelling and “elvish” is the correct one?
In actual fact, “elfish” is the traditional spelling of the word. J. R. R. Tolkien deliberately invented the spelling “elvish” to help give *his* elves a different feel from those of traditional mythology. People are only used to seeing “elvish” today because so many later fantasy authors copied him.
“Elven” was, for Tolkien, almost the exact same type of intentional misspelling as the word “Wotch”.
Original name is original.
‘Elfish’. *wince*
It’s really rather funny this comment got left on this particular page. I’m guessing BardsAway thought “elfish” was a misspelling and “elvish” is the correct one?
In actual fact, “elfish” is the traditional spelling of the word. J. R. R. Tolkien deliberately invented the spelling “elvish” to help give *his* elves a different feel from those of traditional mythology. People are only used to seeing “elvish” today because so many later fantasy authors copied him.
“Elven” was, for Tolkien, almost the exact same type of intentional misspelling as the word “Wotch”.