This, and the whole beginning of this fight, are EXACTLY why Anger’s not in charge, and will never be allowed to be: she’s short-sighted to the point of suicidal self-sabotage. Given free reign, how long would it take for her to pick a fight she had no hope of winning? How long would she be able to get away with inflicting her petty wrath on the world, until she was finally put down like the rabid dog she is?
This, and the whole beginning of this fight, are EXACTLY why Anger’s not in charge, and will never be allowed to be: she’s short-sighted to the point of suicidal self-sabotage. Given free reign, how long would it take for her to pick a fight she had no hope of winning? How long would she be able to get away with inflicting her petty wrath on the world, until she was finally put down like the rabid dog she is?
Personally, I’d give it about two weeks.